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2023-11-30 17:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

一、 简介 1. 功能定位

SLOB全称叫 Silly Little Oracle Benchmark,是一个在避免应用争用的情况下(锁、latch等),通过SQL模拟IO负载的工具。定位介于Orion、CALIBRATE_IO与全功能事务性压测工具 之间。


SLOB is not a database benchmark. SLOB is an Oracle I/O workload generation tool kit.  SLOB aims to fill the gap between Orion and CALIBRATE_IO and full-function transactional benchmarks

The SLOB Method aims to test platforms without application contention. 

2. 实现原理

slob的数据设计方式很巧妙:每个oracle block(8KB)中,只存储一行数据(约2KB)。因此可以非常方便地测试单块读、随机读写,轻松控制要访问多少个块。但是注意它不能用于Oracle压缩测试,因为这严重不符合业务数据实际分布情况。



二、 压测前准备 1. 操作系统与Oracle层准备


准备足够的磁盘空间关闭archiveredo大小至少1G以上,设置至少6组以上的redo logfile启用异步IO,设置 filesystemio_options=setall设置 DB_WRITER_PROCESSES 至少为CPU数除以4调整最大连接数至2000(根据load并发数定,避免打爆连接数)

2. 安装 SLOB


[oracle@erpdb wait_kit]$ make #输出内容 rm -fr *.o mywait trigger create_sem cc -c -o mywait.o mywait.c cc -o mywait mywait.o cc -c -o trigger.o trigger.c cc -o trigger trigger.o cc -c -o create_sem.o create_sem.c cc -o create_sem create_sem.o cp mywait trigger create_sem ../ rm -fr *.o

3. load数据前准备 创建专用的tablespace及temp tablespace 用于slob测试


create tablespace erpdata datafile size 2g autoextend on next 100m maxsize 30g, ... size 2g autoextend on next 100m maxsize 30g; create temporary tablespace erptmp tempfile size 2g autoextend on next 100m maxsize 30g, ... size 2g autoextend on next 100m maxsize 30g; alter database default temporary tablespace erptmp; 确认/tmp目录是所有数据库用户都能读写 create directory mydir as '/tmp'; grant read,write on directory mydir to public; load参数设置(slob.conf) SCALE:指定每个schema数据量LOAD_PARALLEL_DEGREE:设置load并行度,建议为2倍CPU数DBA_PRIV_USER,SYSDBA_PASSWD 对应使用的数据库用户和密码,如果不想用默认的,要记得修改

4. load数据


./ erpdata 64


[ora@erpdb SLOB]$ ./ erpdata 64 NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:45 : Begin SLOB setup. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:45 : ADMIN_CONNECT_STRING: "system/manager" NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:45 : Load parameters from slob.conf: SCALE: 8G (1048576 blocks) SCAN_TABLE_SZ: 1M (128 blocks) LOAD_PARALLEL_DEGREE: 128 ADMIN_SQLNET_SERVICE: "" SYSDBA_PASSWD: "manager" DBA_PRIV_USER: "system" Note: will use the following connect strings as per slob.conf: Admin Connect String: "system/manager" Non-Admin Connect String: " " NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:45 : Testing Admin connect using "sqlplus -L system/manager" NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:45 : Dropping prior SLOB schemas. This may take a while if there is a large number of old schemas. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:53 : Deleted 127 SLOB schema(s). NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:53 : Previous SLOB schemas have been removed NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:53 : Preparing to load 64 schema(s) into tablespace: erpdata NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:05:53 : Loading user1 schema NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:06:24 : Finished loading and indexing user1 schema in 31 seconds NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:06:24 : Commencing multiple, concurrent schema creation and loading NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:06:33 : Waiting for background batch 1. Loading up to user64 hyhyNOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:16 : Completed concurrent data loading phase: 832 seconds NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:16 : Creating SLOB UPDATE procedure NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : SLOB UPDATE procedure (./misc/procedure.sql) created. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : Row and block counts for SLOB table(s) reported in ./slob_data_load_summary.txt NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : Please examine ./slob_data_load_summary.txt for any possible errors NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : NOTE: No errors detected but if ./slob_data_load_summary.txt shows errors then NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : examine /data/SLOB_2.5.4-main/SLOB/cr_tab_and_load.out NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-15:20:17 : SLOB setup complete. Total setup time: (872 seconds)


select sum(BYTES/1024/1024)||'M' MB from dba_extents; MB ----------------------------------------- 531345.5625M

三、 进行压测 1. 主要参数配置 SCAN_PCT:控制short table(小表)全表扫描占整个select的比例SCAN_TABLE_SZ:要创建的short table的大小,默认1MBUPDATE_PCT:读写比例,如果不设SCAN_PCT,读指的是通过索引访问而不是全表扫描



2. 压测 ./ 64


[ora@erpdb-test SLOB]$ ./ 64 NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : For security purposes all file and directory creation and deletions NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : performed by ./ are logged in: /data/SLOB_2.5.4-main/SLOB/.file_operations_audit_trail.out. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : SLOB TEMPDIR is /tmp/.SLOB.2021.07.20.171723. SLOB will delete this directory at the end of this execution. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Sourcing in slob.conf NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Performing initial slob.conf sanity check... NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : SQLNET_SERVICE_BASE is not set. Users will connect via bequeth connections (not SQL*Net). NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Connecting to the instance to validate slob.conf->SCALE setting. UPDATE_PCT: 0 SCAN_PCT: 0 RUN_TIME: 300 WORK_LOOP: 0 SCALE: 8G (524288 blocks) WORK_UNIT: 64 REDO_STRESS: LITE HOT_SCHEMA_FREQUENCY: 0 HOTSPOT_MB: 8 HOTSPOT_OFFSET_MB: 16 HOTSPOT_FREQUENCY: 3 THINK_TM_FREQUENCY: 0 THINK_TM_MIN: .1 THINK_TM_MAX: .5 DATABASE_STATISTICS_TYPE: awr SYSDBA_PASSWD: "manager" DBA_PRIV_USER: "system" ADMIN_SQLNET_SERVICE: "" LNET_SERVICE_BASE: "" SQLNET_SERVICE_MAX: "" EXTERNAL_SCRIPT: "" Note: will use the following connect strings as per slob.conf settings: Admin Connect String: "system/manager" NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Clearing temporary SLOB output files from previous SLOB testing. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Testing admin connectivity to the instance to validate slob.conf settings. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Testing connectivity. Command: "sqlplus -L system/manager". NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Next, testing 64 user (non-admin) connections... NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:23 : Testing connectivity. Command: "sqlplus -L user1/user1". NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:24 : Testing connectivity. Command: "sqlplus -L user64/user64". NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:24 : Performing redo log switch. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:36 : Redo log switch complete. Setting up trigger mechanism. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:46 : Running iostat, vmstat and mpstat on current host--in background. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:46 : Connecting 1 (THREADS_PER_SCHEMA) session(s) to 64 schema(s) ... NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:47 : Saved pids of monitored sqlplus processes in: /tmp/.SLOB.2021.07.20.171723/sqlplus_pids.txt NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:47 : Pausing for 5 seconds before triggering the test. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:52 : Executing awr "before snap" procedure. Command: "sqlplus -S -L system/manager". NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:53 : Before awr snap ID is 39 NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:17:53 : Test has been triggered. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:18:03 : Waiting for 290 seconds before monitoring running processes (for exit). hyNOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:22:53 : Entering process monitoring loop. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:22:55 : Run time 302 seconds. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:22:55 : Executing awr "after snap" procedure. Command: "sqlplus -S -L system/manager". NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:22:56 : After awr snap ID is 40 NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:22:56 : Terminating background data collectors. ./ line 119: 29703 Killed ( vmstat -t 3 > vmstat.out 2>&1 ) ./ line 1547: 29702 Killed ( iostat -t -xm 3 > iostat.out 2>&1 ) ./ line 1547: 29704 Killed ( mpstat -P ALL 3 > mpstat.out 2>&1 ) NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:23:07 : NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:23:07 : SLOB test is complete. NOTIFY : 2021.07.20-17:23:07 : Cleaning up SLOB temporary directory (/tmp/.SLOB.2021.07.20.171723).

四、 结果输出

生成文件包括 iostat.out, vmstat.out, mpstat.out 以及 AWR reports,如果不需要操作系统数据收集,可以设置NO_OS_PERF_DATA=TRUE。

 slob 附带了一个awr_info.sh脚本,用于解析awr报告,slob官档有每个解析项含义。

./ awr.txt #可以一次解析多个,例如 ./ awr.txt awr02.txt


Step-By-Step SLOB Installation and Quick Test Guide for Amazon RDS for Oracle. | Kevin Closson's Blog: Platforms, Databases and Storage

Oracle IO压测工具SLOB - 墨天轮

EMC Unity Storage Performance testing with Oracle ASM and SLOB | the gruffdba

Oracle IO性能测试工具Orion详解 - ORACLE - dbaplus社群:围绕Data、Blockchain、AiOps的企业级专业社群。技术大咖、原创干货,每天精品原创文章推送,每周线上技术分享,每月线下技术沙龙。






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